Polysomnography Laboratory

Pediatric Sector
Sleep-related Breathing Disorders Laboratory

In the Sleep-related Breathing Disorders Laboratory, disorders of breathing during sleep in children and adolescents are studied. Children snoring, or with hypertrophic tonsils and/or adenoids and observable sleep apnea are examined.

The Department performs Polysomnography to check on how the chest and abdomen moves, with a simultaneous electroencephalography for sleep staging, electrocardiography for detecting bradycardia- tachycardia, oral and nasal airflow recording, and pulse oximetry for recording desaturation. 

There is, in other words, an overall assessment of the way a child breathes during sleep, as it is defined internationally. This evaluation contributes substantially to the decision-making process for therapeutic procedures, always in consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist (ENT specialist).