The IASO Nursing Division invites you, as a mother-to-be, along with your partner or your loved ones, to attend the Informational Seminars on topics such as embryo development, childbirth and breastfeeding.
On many occasions, by providing inaccurate, dated and, above all, non-scientifically documented advice, the healthcare professions cause confusion in expectant mothers, which shakes their self-confidence, a fact that may eventually inhibit their decision to breastfeed.
In all events, providing prompt and valid information to pregnant women on breastfeeding is vital, as it raises awareness and prepares them for easier establishment of breastfeeding immediately after childbirth, but mainly for its continuation for the next six months or even longer. Pregnant women need encouragement, support and a self-confidence boost to overcome any doubts and manage their insecurity when it comes to their ability to breastfeed.
All these may be achieved when they attend breastfeeding classes during pregnancy. Prenatal information must start during the 2nd to 3rd trimester of pregnancy and must be provided by trained healthcare professionals (midwives, pediatricians, gynecologists).
During classes, expectant mothers share their pregnancy experience with other women. With the help and guidance of healthcare professionals, they will decide and choose the way they wish to experience motherhood. They come to realize that breastfeeding is not just a matter of instinct for the baby, but needs to be taught both to the mother and to the newborn. They are informed about the benefits of breastfeeding both for their babies and for them, based on scientifically documented views.

We believe that getting prompt and valid information, encouragement and support boosts your self-confidence and eases your concerns, so that initiating breastfeeding and practicing it for at least 6 months, as endorsed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization, will come easily Book your spot
The importance of breastfeeding awareness prenatally
The 3rd of the 10 steps to successful breastfeeding refers to the prenatal training of pregnant women in breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding is the ideal and most complete source of nutrition for the first 6 months of life. It should be continued even after the addition of solid food, up to the age of 12 months, while it may be continued for as long as mother and child need to, even after the second year of life. However, the expectant mother’s decision to breastfeed her baby depends greatly on knowledge and is affected by her experiences. Women who have experienced breastfeeding in their close environment as a natural continuation of pregnancy and childbirth, as a non-negotiable bond with their baby, are usually more positive and demonstrate fewer problems when breastfeeding. Others, though, are affected by the negative comments of mothers who did not succeed in breastfeeding, either because they encountered difficulties or because they did not want to.On many occasions, by providing inaccurate, dated and, above all, non-scientifically documented advice, the healthcare professions cause confusion in expectant mothers, which shakes their self-confidence, a fact that may eventually inhibit their decision to breastfeed.
In all events, providing prompt and valid information to pregnant women on breastfeeding is vital, as it raises awareness and prepares them for easier establishment of breastfeeding immediately after childbirth, but mainly for its continuation for the next six months or even longer. Pregnant women need encouragement, support and a self-confidence boost to overcome any doubts and manage their insecurity when it comes to their ability to breastfeed.
All these may be achieved when they attend breastfeeding classes during pregnancy. Prenatal information must start during the 2nd to 3rd trimester of pregnancy and must be provided by trained healthcare professionals (midwives, pediatricians, gynecologists).
During classes, expectant mothers share their pregnancy experience with other women. With the help and guidance of healthcare professionals, they will decide and choose the way they wish to experience motherhood. They come to realize that breastfeeding is not just a matter of instinct for the baby, but needs to be taught both to the mother and to the newborn. They are informed about the benefits of breastfeeding both for their babies and for them, based on scientifically documented views.