1st Surgery Clinic
Surgical Clinics
The 1st Surgery Clinic offers quality healthcare services, using the latest minimally invasive surgical techniques. Fully respecting the personality of each patient and focusing on individualized diagnosis and treatment for their condition, we combine the advancement of technology with our expertise, providing optimal results.
Our patients, men and women, enjoy contemporary hospital services in an extremely pleasant environment. The medical services are at the level the IASO Group has set and in tune with centers abroad, within a quality and internationally accredited private hospital.
The ongoing training and certifications of the Clinic doctors, Director and Registrars on the latest minimally invasive procedures (laparoscopic, endoscopic and robotic) in renowned centers abroad guarantee the desired result.
The wide range of surgical conditions covered by the Clinic surgeons extends to all general surgery conditions, both scheduled and emergencies.
Fields of expertise
The expertise and experience of the 1st Surgery Clinic doctors in very demanding surgical procedures is what has made our team known within the medical community. Our team specializes in the treatment of colon and rectal malignancies, and low rectal cancer with sphincter-sparing surgery, which prevents colostomy. Additionally, we perform advanced laparoscopic surgeries, such as colectomy, abdominal tumor excision, cholecystectomy and restoration of abdominal wall hernias. Our Clinic treats the entire range of anal conditions, such as fistulas, fissures, hemorrhoids and abscesses.
People-centric approach
The patient is the main focus of our Clinic activities. It is a great honor and joy for all of us when we manage to make our small contribution in the treatment of our patients, bearing always in our mind the saying of medical art teachers: “First do no harm” (Hippocrates).
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