For the first time in the private healthcare industry, a Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Report, Support and Monitoring Center

IASO and IASO Children’s Hospital are once again a step ahead with the establishment of a Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Report, Support and Monitoring Center in order to improve the quality of life of sufferers and their families. It is a revolutionary type of services towards this difficult and sensitive group of patients which includes monitoring, training and management of the nutritional support of home care patients according to strict international protocols.
The Center is headed by Mr. Panagiotis Lagos, Professor of Pediatrics and Chief of IASO Children’s Hospital Medical Services and is in close cooperation with a team of Specialists comprising Messrs Ioanna Panagiotou-Aggelakopoulou, Pediatric-gastroenterologist at IASO Children’s Hospital, Panagiota Kafritsa, Pediatric-gastroenterologist at IASO Children’s Hospital, Fellow at the 1st Department of Pediatrics of the University of Athens and Kostas Siafakas, Pediatric-gastroenterologist at IASO Children’s Hospital and clinical pharmacologist Maria Skouroliakoy, Assistant Professor, Scientific Consultant at the Nutritional Support & Dietetics Center at IASO.
Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition programs presuppose the cooperation of the physician and the pharmacologist with specialist nursing staff, biochemists, dieticians and social workers. Each participating patient must be under regular clinical and laboratory monitoring. To conclude, Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition requires training not only of the relatives or the caregivers, but also of the patient himself/herself who must actively support the procedure in order to avoid any complications.
The Center operates every first Wednesday of the month from 12:00 to 14:00. For more information, please contact the Nutritional Support & Dietetics Center at IASO at +30 6184095.
ΤFor more press information, please contact Ms Nancy Christopoulou, Department of Commercial Management at IASO Group, tel: +30 210 638 3917, E-mail: [email protected]