


  1. Pediatric
  • Professional Experience
    • 15/11/2004-14/01/2004: Senior House Officer for two months clinical rotation in the Departments of Cardiology and General Surgery, “Tzanio” Hospital, Piraeus, Greece.
    • 15/01/2005-14/02/2005: Senior House Officer in the Department of Internal Medicine, General Hospital of Kithira, Kithira, Greece.
    • 15/02/2005-09/04/2006: Compulsory post as Rural General Practitioner in the General Hospital-Community Clinic of Kithira, Greece.
    • 10/05/2006-25/04/2007: Assistant Doctor in a Private Surgery, Athens, Greece.
    • 01/07/2007-15/05/2014: Research Fellow, Unit of Allergy & Clinical Immunology dpt, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, University of Athens, “P&A Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece (under the supervision of Prof. Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos)
    • 20/11/2008-31/12/2012: Resident in Pediatrics, “P&A Kyriakou” Childrens’ Hospital, Athens, Greece.
    • March-July 2011 clinical fellowship in Pediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases & Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals, United Kingdom.
    • 20/04/2008-15/05/2014: PhD student in the Allergy & Immunology dpt, 2nd Pediatric Clinic of University of Athens, “P&A Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece.
    • 01/01/2013: Specialist Registrar in Pediatrics (MRCPCH equivalent)
    • 15/05/2014- to date: postdoctoral research & clinical fellow, Unit of Allergy & Clinical Immunology dpt, 2nd Pediatric Clinic of University of Athens, “P&A Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece
    • 2/2/2013 to date: Pediatrician, IASO Pediatric Hospital
    • 1/10/14 to date: Private Pediatrician
  • Education & Academic Titles
    • 1997-2004: Degree (ptychio) in Medicine, Hellenic Republic, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
      Grade: Excellent
    • 01/07/2007-15/05/2014: Research Fellow, Allergy & Clinical Immunology dpt, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, University of Athens, “P&A Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece
    • 20/04/2008-15/05/2014: PhD student in the Allergy & Immunology dpt, 2nd Pediatric Clinic of University of Athens, “P&A Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece
    • 20/11/2008- 31/12/2012: Resident in Pediatrics, “P&A Kyriakou” Childrens’ Hospital, Athens, Greece
    • 2011: Clinical fellowship on Primary Immunodefieciencies in Pediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases & Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals
    • 15/05/2014- to date: postdoctoral research & clinical associate, Unit of Allergy & Clinical Immunology dpt, 2nd Pediatric Clinic of University of Athens, “P&A Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece
  • Doctoral Thesis
    • PhD thesis: Immune response in acute bronchiolitis and association with viral factor and asthma during preschool age’ 2nd Dpt of Pediatrics of NKUA University of Athens, ‘P&A Kyriakou’ Children’s Hospital
      Degree: Excellent
  • Courses

    09/2005: Successful completion of the ATLS Course American College of Surgeons (ACS), Committee on Trauma, Greece

    11/2009: Successful completion of the APLS Course for Pediatric Trauma Care of University of South Florida, Athens, Greece

    2009 up to now: APLS instructor

    2009: successful completion of training program (40 hours) on Statistical Analysis and use of statistical packages (SPSS) in medical research

    2011 (31 October to 4 November 2011): Training Seminar Certificate on Breastfeeding according to WHO guidelines. “Elena Venizelou” Maternal Unit, Athens, Greece

    2017-2018: Post-graduate program in Paediatric Nutrition, Boston University (Nestle Nutrition Institute)

  • Clinical Interest
    • Pediatrics
    • Pediatric Allergy
    • Pediatric Immunology
  • Awards & Distinctions
    • 1997: Award of Excellence in fulfilling 2nd degree education (grade 20 /20)
    • 1997-2002: Granted a Scholarship from the National Scholarships Foundation of Greece
    • 2004: Award of Excellence in medical studies in Medical School of University of Athens
    • 2008: EAACI Quiz Award-Travel Grant for poster presentation in XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) in Barcelona, Spain 7-11 June, 2008
    • 2008: First prize for the presentation of the abstract entitled “Development of innate and adaptive responses against human rhinovirus infection during the first 11 years of life” in the poster group “Predictors and risk factors for pediatric asthma” at the XXVII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology in Barcelona, Spain 7-11 June, 2008
    • 2008: Scholarship for PhD studies from the Bodossaki Foundation
    • 2008: “Procter & Gamble Award for Pediatric Research in Greece”, for the study entitle “ Prospective study of infants born with CMV infection” (participation in this award)
    • 2008: 20th of November, Scholarship for Research Proposal entitled “A prospective cohort study of infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. Risk factors in terms of innate immune response for the development of asthma and atopy at the age of three years.” from “GlaxoSmithKline”
    • 2009: ESCMID award for research proposal entitled “A prospective cohort study of infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. Risk factors in terms of innate immune response for the development of asthma and atopy at the age of three years” (participation in this award)
    • 2009: Travel grant for EAACI Congress, Warsaw 2009. Poster presentation “Dendritic cell subpopulations in peripheral blood of infants with a first episode of acute bronchiolitis”
    • 2009: “Kapodistrias” award from University of Athens for the research proposal “A prospective cohort study of infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. Risk factors in terms of innate immune response for the development of asthma and atopy at the age of three years” (participation in this award)
    • 2010: First prize for the presentation of the abstract entitled “Innate immune responses in viral bronchiolitis and links with pediatric asthma” in the poster group “PDS 7- Novel discoveries about the role of infections in asthma and allergy” at the 29th Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology in London, UK June, 2010
    • 2010: JMA Poster Award for an outstanding poster presentation at the 12th JMA poster session, 29th Congress of the EAACI, London, UK, June 2010
    • 2011: Travel Grant for EAACI Congress in Istanbul 2011. Oral presentation “IL-8: a possible marker of increased susceptibility of infants to bronchiolitis and subsequent recurrent episodes of wheezing one year later”
    • 2011: ESPID training fellowship grant for 3 months clinical rotation in Pediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases & Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Royal Victoria Infirmary, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals, Newcastle, UK
    • 2013: Travel Grant for PAAM ‘Pediatric and Asthma Meeting’ Athens, 17-19/10/2013. Oral presentation: “Changes in the balance between myeloid (mDC) and plasmacytoid (pDC) cell numbers in peripheral blood during childhood ”
  • Recent Publications

    In Greek Journals:

    Maggina P. “Update on Allergic diseases in children”-Pediatriki, 74;1: Jan-Feb-Mar 2011

    In International Journals:

    1. Maggina P. “Update on Allergic diseases in children”-Pediatriki, 74;1: Jan-Feb-Mar 2011
    2. Maggina P, Christodoulou I, Papaevangelou V, Tsolia M, Papadopoulos NG. “Dendritic cells in viral bronchiolitis.” Expert Reviews of Clinical Immunology, 2009
    3. Chrysanthi L Skevaki, Paraskevi Maggina, et al. “The 10th anniversary of the Junior Members & Affiliates of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology” Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2011 Dec;22(8):754-7.
    4. Maggina P, Askiti V, Maurikou M, Mila Μ, Papadatos D, Stamogianou L, Stefanidis C.J “Orbital pseudotumor: a single precursor clinical manifestation of Wegener granulomatosis in a ten year old boy.” Open Journal of Pediatrics Vol.2 No.1, March 2012.
    5. P. Maggina, M. Maurikou, S. Karagianni, C. L. Skevaki, A. Triantafyllidou, C. Voudris, E. Katsarou, L. Stamogiannou, S. Mastrogianni “Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor encephalitis presenting with acute psychosis in an 11-year-old Greek girl: a case report” J Med Case Rep. 2012 Jul 30;6(1):224.
    6. Skevaki CL, Psarras S, Volonaki E, Pratsinis H, Spyridaki IS, Gaga M, Georgiou V, Vittorakis S, Telcian A, Maggina P, Gourgiotis D, Kafetzis DA, Johnston SL, Papadopoulos NG. “Rhinovirus-induced basic fibroblast growth factor release mediates fibroblast proliferation.”Clin Transl Allergy. 2012 Aug 21;2(1):14.
    7. Maggina P, Gennery AR ‘Classification of primary immunodeficiencies: Need for a revised approach?’ J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012 Nov 19.
    8. Nikolaos G Papadopoulos, …, Paraskevi Mangina,... ‘Research needs in allergy: an EAACI position paper, in collaboration with EFA’Clinical and Translational Allergy 2012, 2:21.
    9. Paraskevi Maggina, Andrew R Gennery ‘Severe Combined Immunodeficiency in the Newborn’, Infant Journal 2013, Volume 9, issue 2.
    10. Hassan A, Lee P, Maggina P, Xu JH, Moreira D, Slatter M, Nademi Z, Worth A, Adams S, Jones A, Cale C, Allwood Z, Rao K, Chiesa R, Amrolia P, Gaspar H, Davies EG, Veys P, Gennery A, Qasim W ‘Host natural killer immunity is a key indicator of permissiveness for donor cell engraftment in patients with severe combined immunodeficiency.’ J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Jun ;133(6):1660-6.
    11. Maria Passioti, Paraskevi Maggina, Spyridon Megremis & Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos ‘The Common Cold: Potential for Future Prevention or Cure’Curr Allergy Asthma Rep (2014) 14:413.
    12. Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos, Paraskevi Maggina ‘The ICON Pediatric asthma and how to use it’ Allergy in Practice, 2013 (The Norwegian Asthma- and Allergy Association-The Asthma- and Allergy Association in Sweden)
    13. Roumpedaki E, Douladiris N, Papanaki A, Stamogiannou L, Maggina P, Manoussakis E, Vallianatou G, Papadopoulos NG, Xepapadaki P.
      ‘A child with anaphylactic reaction by egg remedy applied to burn.’
      Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2014 Jun 9.
    14. Andrew R. Gennery, Paraskevi Maggina ‘Infection following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation’ Paediatrics and Child Health
      Volume 24, Issue 6, June 2014, Pages 236–241.
    15. Paraskevi Maggina, Foteini Dareiotaki, Theodora Syriopoulou, Eleni Fourlani, Anastasios Koukouletsos, Ioanna Argyri, Aphroditi Kourti, Vaios Katsaros. ‘P53 - Smoking during pregnancy and asthma’s manifestation in childhood’ Clinical and Translational Allergy, Feb 2014.
    16. Maggina P, Gennery AR. Severe combined immunodeficiency - diagnosis and management In: Abutalib SA, Connors JM, Ragni MV (eds) Nonmalignant Hematology, Expert Clinical Review: Questions and Answer, Springer International Publishing (Switzerland), June 2016
    17. Paraskevi Maggina, Vassiliki Papaevangelou, Heidi Makrinioti, Chrysanthi Skevaki, Stella Taka, Panagiota Cheilaki, Spyridon Megremis, M. Tsolia, Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos. ‘Robust innate and deficient Th1 immune response in peripheral blood of infants with acute viral bronchiolitis’ (under preparation).
    18. Maggina P, Gennery AR. Severe combined immunodeficiency - diagnosis and management In: Abutalib SA, Connors JM, Ragni MV (eds) Nonmalignant Hematology, Expert Clinical Review: Questions and Answer, Springer International Publishing (Switzerland), June 2016
    19. Paraskevi Maggina and Andrew R. Gennery
      ‘Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders: Diagnosis and Management’ Nonmalignant Hematology-Expert Clinical Review: Questions & Answers, Springer 2016
    20. Allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: protocol for a systematic review.
      Dhami S, Nurmatov U, Roberts G, Pfaar O, Muraro A, Ansotegui IJ, Calderon M, Cingi C, Demoly P, Durham S, van Wijk RG, Halken S, Hamelmann E, Hellings P, Jacobsen L, Knol E, Larenas-Linnemann D, Lin S, Maggina V, Oude-Elberink H, Pajno G, Panwankar R, Pastorello E, Pitsios C, Rotiroti G, Timmermans F, Tsilochristou O, Varga EM, Wilkinson J, Williams A, Worm M, Zhang L, Sheikh A.
      Clin Transl Allergy. 2016 Mar 22;6:12.
    21. Allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: a systematic overview of systematic reviews.
      Nurmatov U, Dhami S, Arasi S, Roberts G, Pfaar O, Muraro A, Ansotegui IJ, Calderon M, Cingi C, Durham S, van Wijk RG, Halken S, Hamelmann E, Hellings P, Jacobsen L, Knol E, Larenas-Linnemann D, Lin SY, Maggina V, Oude-Elberink H, Pajno G, Panwankar R, Pastorello E, Pitsios C, Rotiroti G, Timmermans F, Tsilochristou O, Varga EM, Wilkinson J, Williams A, Worm M, Zhang L, Sheikh A.
      Clin Transl Allergy. 2017 Aug 8;7:24.
    22. Erratum to: Allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: protocol for a systematic review.
      Dhami S, Nurmatov U, Roberts G, Pfaar O, Muraro A, Ansotegui IJ, Calderon M, Cingi C, Demoly P, Durham S, van Wijk RG, Halken S, Hamelmann E, Hellings P, Jacobsen L, Knol E, Linnemann DL, Lin S, Maggina V, Oude-Elberink H, Pajno G, Panwankar R, Pastorello E, Pitsios C, Rotiroti G, Timmermans F, Tsilochristou O, Varga EM, Wilkinson J, Williams A, Worm M, Zhang L, Sheikh A.
      Clin Transl Allergy. 2017 Sep 15;7:29.
    23. Allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
      Dhami S, Nurmatov U, Arasi S, Khan T, Asaria M, Zaman H, Agarwal A, Netuveli G, Roberts G, Pfaar O, Muraro A, Ansotegui IJ, Calderon M, Cingi C, Durham S, van Wijk RG, Halken S, Hamelmann E, Hellings P, Jacobsen L, Knol E, Larenas-Linnemann D, Lin S, Maggina P, Mösges R, Oude Elberink H, Pajno G, Panwankar R, Pastorello E, Penagos M, Pitsios C, Rotiroti G, Timmermans F, Tsilochristou O, Varga EM, Schmidt-Weber C, Wilkinson J, Williams A, Worm M, Zhang L, Sheikh A. Allergy. 2017 Nov;72(11):1597-1631.
    24. EAACI Guidelines on Allergen Immunotherapy: Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.
      Roberts G, Pfaar O, Akdis CA, Ansotegui IJ, Durham SR, Gerth van Wijk R, Halken S, Larenas-Linnemann D, Pawankar R, Pitsios C, Sheikh A, Worm M, Arasi S, Calderon MA, Cingi C, Dhami S, Fauquert JL, Hamelmann E, Hellings P, Jacobsen L, Knol EF, Lin SY, Maggina P, Mösges R, Oude Elberink JNG, Pajno GB, Pastorello EA, Penagos M, Rotiroti G, Schmidt-Weber CB, Timmermans F, Tsilochristou O, Varga EM, Wilkinson JN, Williams A, Zhang L, Agache I, Angier E, Fernandez-Rivas M, Jutel M, Lau S, van Ree R, Ryan D, Sturm GJ, Muraro A.
      Allergy. 2017 Sep 23.
    25. Current state and future of pediatric allergology in Europe: A road map.
      Tsilochristou O, Maggina P, Zolkipli Z, Sanchez Garcia S, Uysal P, Alvaro Lozano M, Atanaskovic-Markovic M, Baghdasaryan A, Beyer K, DuToit G, Gerth van Wijk R, Høst A, O'Hourihane J, Ingemann L, Kivistö JE, Lopes Dos Santos JM, Melén E, Muraro A, Nieto A, Pajno G, Rose K, Réthy LA, Sackesen C, Schmid Grendelmeier P, Valovirta E, Wickman M, Eigenmann PA, Wahn U, van der Poel LA.
      Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2018 Feb;29(1):9-17.
    26. Bronchiolitis needs a revisit: distinguishing between virus entities. Tuomas Jartti et al.
      (Allergy 2018-in review process)

    Peer reviewer:

    1. Pediatric Allergy & Immunology (PAI) Journal
    2. Clinical & Translational Allergy Journal
    3. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research (BJMMR)
    4. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (AJPP)


    Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Chapter XXIII “Urologic disorders in infants and children”


    Up-date on asthma from current knowledge to future phenotype-specific treatment" for the EAACI Newsletter, Issue 22, September 2010
    “Severe asthma: pathophysiology and clinical aspects” for the EAACI Newsletter, January 2012
    “Epigenetics and asthma” EAACI Newsletter, issue 28, August 2012
    ‘The IgE paradigm in the immune system’ EAACI Newsletter, issue 36, August 2014
    ‘Childhood asthma; can it be prevented?’ EAACI Newsletter, issue 42, Volume 1, 2016
    ‘Bronchiolitis as the first episode of asthma: Aetiology, treatment and prevention’ EAACI Newsletter, issue 45, Volume 4, 2016

    Other Scientific Journals:

    ‘My Life’ Iaso Pediatric Hospital Journal, Winter-Spring 2016: ‘Atopic Dermatitis overview in children’

    Articles on medical sites: (website of private Pediatricians in Greece) (website of Greek Pediatric Allergy Society)

  • Membership in Societies and Editorial Boards
    • 2004 up to date: full registration in Greek Medical Council with license to practice
    • 2004 up to date: full registration in British General Medical Council with license to practice –GMC reference number: 6152004
    • 2008-up to date: JMA member of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI).
    • 2008-up to date: Member of the European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID).
    • 2010-up to date: member of the ESPID Young Forum.
    • 2008-up to date: Member of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID).
    • 2010-up to date: Member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS).
    • 2010 up to date: member of the EAACI Newsletter team.
    • From May 2011: JMA EAACI representative of the Immunotherapy Interest Group
    • From June 2011: JMA EAACI-PAI (journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology) collaborative team
    • 2012 up to date: Member of the European Society of Primary Immunodeficiencies (ESID)
    • 2015-2017: Board Member & Webmaster of the EAACI Infection & Allergy Interest Group
    • 2017-to date: General assistant of the Greek Pediatric Allergy Society
  • Research
    • PhD thesis: Immune response in acute bronchiolitis and association with viral factor and asthma during preschool age’ 2nd Dpt of Pediatrics of NKUA University of Athens, ‘P&A Kyriakou’ Children’s Hospital
      Degree: Excellent
    • Post-Doctoral experience: RESEARCH-CLINICAL PROTOCOLS:
      1. PreDicta-FP7 projects (Post-infectious immune reprogramming and its association with persistence and chronicity of respiratory allergic diseases): participation in this project as clinical investigator
      2. MSD clinical trial- MK-0887-086-02(P04223AM2): ‘A 12-week, Randomized, Placebo- Controlled, Dose-Ranging, Efficacy and Safety Study of Mometasone Furoate Metered Dose Inhaler in the treatment of Children Ages 5 to 11 years With Persistent Asthma’: clinical investigator
      3. MIDAS-NSRF 2007-2013 ‘Maturation of Innate immunity: influence of infections and role in the Development of allergy and Asthma’: Post-doctoral research investigator
  • Academic / Teaching experience:
    1. Post-graduate lectures for trainees in Pediatric Allergy, 3rd Pediatric Clinic of University of Athens, General University Hospital ‘Attikon’Journal club presentations for trainees in Pediatric Allergy, Unit of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, 2nd Pediatric Clinic of University of Athens, ‘P&A Kiriakou’ Childrens’ Hospital
    2. Post-graduate lectures for nurses in Pediatric Allergy, 3rd Pediatric Clinic of University of Athens Post-graduate lectures for medical doctors in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Medical School of University of Athens:
    3. Post-doctoral lecturer on Post-graduate courses on Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Prof. M. Tsolia & Prof. V. Papaevangelou, Athens University)

    a. ‘Acute bronchiolitis & Viral Pneumonia’ Athens Medical School, 9 March 2017
    b. ‘Viral Respiratory Infections’ Athens Medical School, 7 December 2017
    c. ‘Innate Immune response’ Athens Medical School, 21 December 2017