22 February 22 - 23/02/25

IASO: Scientific Two-Day Conference “Cervical pathology: HPV tests, biomarkers, algorithms, colposcopy & screening and triage scoring system”

IASO: Scientific Two-Day Conference “Cervical pathology: HPV tests, biomarkers, algorithms, colposcopy & screening and triage scoring system”

We would like to inform you that IASO’s Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Department, in collaboration with the Hellenic Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (HSCCP), are organizing a Scientific Two-Day Conference on the topic: “Cervical pathology: HPV tests, biomarkers, algorithms, colposcopy & screening and triage scoring system”, on Saturday, February 22nd and Sunday February 23rd, 2025, at IASO Hospital.

The Scientific Director of the conference is Mr. Evripidis Bilirakis, MD, PhD, Obstetrician - Gynecologist, Clinical Professor, Medical School, European University of Cyprus, General Secretary, Hellenic Society for Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology, Head, Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Department, IASO.

On the occasion of the two-day conference and the beginning of implementation of the preventive, presymptomatic cervical cancer screening "SPYROS DOXIADIS”, specialists, both from Greece and abroad, will discuss the modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods for the treatment and monitoring of all HPV- associated diseases, both in the female and male population.

In addition, this year, for the first time during the two-day conference, a Hands-on educational session (with limited spots) will take place, where younger participants will have the opportunity to be trained in the use of correct diagnostic and therapeutic approaches by experienced specialists.

The Conference is addressed to Obstetricians – Gynecologists, Cytologists, General Practitioners, Molecular Biologists, Midwives and Nurses, as well as students of Medical and Nursing Schools, and the participants may attend the conference in person.

Information – Registrations via the following link: https://bit.ly/4iK5bkq 

For any further information or clarification needed, you may contact us at 210 6074200 (Seminar’s Secretariat – MD Congress Company) or at 210 6383906 (Athina Antzou – Head of Events & Conferences, IASO Group).

You may view the Scientific Program here.

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